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Voltaire: Micromegas, philosophical history. II

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II. Critical considerations.

For years people believed that Micromegas, published in 1752, was written between Zadig and Candide , but the work of Ira Wade revealed earlier version of the text under the title of Baron Travel Gangan, which probably dates to the years 1738-1739, as indicated by the events mentioned in the plot of the story. Voltaire called the first state a "philosophical nonsense " we should read for a relaxing " work serious "(1). Substituting the Baron Gangan, whose name shall rather Rabelaisian farce, the character of Micromegas, Voltaire seems to accentuate the philosophical dimension of the story, by pressing a relativist view of man and the universe. The story does not cease to be as much a fantasy, according to Jean Goulemot, "mixes [...] scientific references, allusions to current events, memories of fantastic tales from Swift or Cyrano de Bergerac, references to scientific theories and doctrines and metaphysical elements farce "(2).

story short, Micromegas is built around a repetition of the sequence / Travel conversation. However, a sequence to another, changing perspective: Micromegas and the Saturnian not a riddle for each other, we, readers who are surprised by their extravagant properties; when second meeting, however, humans are a mystery for travelers Voltaire into a vast stage our own strangeness and invites us to philosophize about our condition.

The tale mixes two genres in vogue at the time: the tale of an imaginary journey, in the style of Gulliver's Travels of Swift (3), with which affiliation seems obvious (travelers exploring unknown worlds), but also the journey of a stranger among us, like the Persian Letters Montesquieu of (foreign eyes popping our absurdities and inconsistencies). If it inspires, it's part parody, most often by rewriting: Micromegas is banned for the same reasons as the hero of Montesquieu, travel to the stars using methods similar those of Dyrcona of Cyrano, the language of the Saturnian cartoon style precious Fontenelle, etc.. Rewriting, but also reversing an agreement: whereas traditionally travelers discover a utopian world that is imposed on them, here are travelers who needed a world described as "ridiculous ," "irregular " " poorly constructed" ...

addition to its parodic, Micromegas also provides a "state of knowledge and readings Voltaire "(4).

Scientific Knowledge first: the 1730s to Voltaire are those of the scientific readings, enthusiasm for the theories of Newton and testing experiments. All this is put to use: Micromegas is presented as an experimenter, observer, physicist, etc.. ; Rigor led him to challenge the findings of its hasty and peremptory saturnine companion, to invent new instruments of observation and communication, and his questions reveal his desire to further science and philosophy (inseparable in the quest Voltaire wisdom). Moreover, it is by the scientific knowledge that humans are able to travel and establish a conversation deemed "interesting ": "Science appears both as a universal language and as the most obvious sign of the greatness of the human mind "(5).

Philosophical reflections then: the curiosity of Micromegas allows the identification of essential features of the human: the ability to think, can reach a certain level of knowledge in the sciences, but also influences of blind passions, which, poorly tamed, can induce fanaticism, intolerance, quest for power over others ... In the field of knowledge, also mixed results: the White Paper Micromegas marks the impossibility of seeing "the tip things." Relative magnitude of human knowledge: the lesson of relativism applies to the whole book: relative size of seas and mountains, which, when we pass to another order of magnitude are no longer as ponds and sand, it is invited to moderation, highlighting the absurdity of a sense of superiority which, however, we do not déprend so easily. This game with dizzying proportions, the observation of human limitations could be put at the service of a sense of anxiety about the mysterious, endlessly, as is the case with Pascal : Voltaire rejects this view, and before Nietzsche, but after Rabelais , opposes him know fun and laughter for saving lives. Man is limited? He recognizes, accepts and laugh: Voltaire is perhaps not a great philosopher, his wisdom is not flawless, but this proposal is probably the most interesting article. .. to me at least.

Antisthenes Ocyrhoé .

Notes :
  1. See correspondence Voltaire - Frederick II of June 1739.
  2. Jean Goulemot, preface to the edition Livre de Poche - Libretti of Micromegas, p.11.
  3. See my article on Swift: Here
  4. Jean Goulemot, op.cit. p.18.
  5. Idem, p. 20-21.


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