Monday, May 4, 2009

Woman Cutting Hand In A Movie

ills of others.

The moralist La Rochefoucauld is I believe, who wrote: "We still have enough strength to endure the misfortunes of others," said certainly some truth. But that's only half true. What is more beautiful to notice is that we still have enough strength to bear our own pain. And it must. When we need put his hand on his shoulder, we are well maintained. It would therefore die, or else they saw as can be, and the Most people stop at this last party. The force of life is admirable.

Thus flooded, they adapted. They groaned point on the bridge, where they set foot. Those who were crammed into schools and other public places camped there for the better and ate and slept with all their heart. Those who were at war tell much; major penalties are not so because we are at war, but because it was cold feet, it is thought furiously to make fire, and we are quite happy when it gets warm.

One could even say that existence is more difficult it supports more penalties and more can enjoy the pleasures, for the prediction does not have time to go up merely possible evils, and is held in check by necessity. Robinson begins to regret his country that when he built his house. That is probably why a rich likes to hunt, these are so sore the next as a sore foot, or the pleasures next, as well drink and eat well, and carries all the action, continues everything. He who puts all his attention on an act rather difficult, this one is perfectly happy. Whoever thinks of his past or his future can not be totally happy. As long as we bear the weight things, he must be happy or die, but as soon as door, anxiety, weight per se, any road is tough. The past and future rub hard on the road.

In sum, it should point to think about oneself. The fun is that it is others that bring me back to me with their talk about themselves. Acting together, it is always good, talk together to talk, to whine, to grumble, is one of the great scourges of this world. Besides the human face is terribly expressive, and manages to arouse sadness that made me forget things. We are selfish in society, the clash of individuals, by the response to each other, answer the mouth, eyes reply, reply brotherly heart. A complaint unleashed a thousand complaints and a thousand fears unleashed fear. All the runs in each herd sheep. Therefore a sensitive heart is still a bit misanthropic. These are things that must always remember the friendship. Would be appointed soon too selfish man who seeks sensible precaution against loneliness posts humans and is not a hard heart to bear hardly worry, sadness, suffering, painted on a friendly face. And we doubt if those who are happy with the evil corporation has more attention their own evils, or more courage, more or indifference. This was only moral evil. The evils of others are cumbersome to wear.

March 23, 1910.

Alain , About on happiness.


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