Saturday, September 11, 2010

Red Mark After Headache

Bid on "superfoods"

Bet on "superfoods"

* Some foods have a unique concentration in nutrients, which earned them the name of "super foods".
* Taken in small amounts, in addition to the usual diet,
they help fight against microbes by strengthening the immune system.
* Make time to time a cure spirulina, mare's milk or whey.

These are not drugs, nor
supplements. These are foods. Their exceptionally rich in nutrients, however, is to share food. They take in small doses, to regenerate the body and revive failing functions, immunity in mind.

Bet on "superfoods"

Wonderful spirulina
This small blue-green algae was used by the Aztecs. In addition to its high protein content, it contains large quantities of vitamins (A, E and all those in group B), minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus) and especially essential fatty acids including the valuable gamma-linolenic acid. Most of these nutrients is essential to the immune system. More than fifty studies have tested the effects of spirulina supplementation: the algae prevents all nutritional deficiencies, strengthen body's defenses and slows the aging of cells. Spirulina is found packaged in capsules, which are taken in cycles of four weeks twice a year at least.

Bet on "superfoods"

Amazing mare's milk
The tradition dates back to Genghis Khan. In the Caucasus, it has not lost since giving mare's milk in hospitals, in addition to therapy, to improve the effect of drugs and faster convalescence. The composition of mare's milk is very similar to that of human milk, with half the fat. This milk is very rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, contains additional substances that directly stimulate the activity of immune cells. This content nutri-tional exceptional allows him to regenerate the intestinal flora and improve the immune system. As it is not easy to find fresh mare's milk, it is better to take it in capsules at the rate of cure of four weeks two or three times a year.

> Whey is the whitish, translucent, sometimes that floats on top of yogurt. Do not throw it away: it will help your body to defend themselves against microbes.
This fluid is rich in vitamins
group B, especially acids essential friendships. It also contains orotic acid, which improves the absorption of nutrients by the cells. It regenerates the intestinal flora and enhances immune response.
> Whey should be consumed very fresh. It can also eat pellet form, which facilitates its conservation.


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