Antioxidants, anti-aging
* Free radicals accelerate the aging of the body. All our fabrics are suffering.
* To protect ourselves, we must eat quantity of fresh vegetables for their vitamins, their minerals and other protective substances.
antioxidants, anti-aging
Some foods contain natural antioxidants. These substances protect cells against the ravages of free radicals that accelerate aging. It's time to implement the many parades that offers nature, starting with the contents of your plate.
Your internal enemies
Our cells have a full life. Sometimes, their multiple activities result in the creation of strange particles they lack an electron, they are struggling to pull on their way to regain complete. These particles do not live a fraction of a second, which is enough to damage our cells. Care should be taken more than ever to protect yourself these free radicals can accelerate the aging of your endocrine glands and tissues fragile (bone, skin, hair ...).
antioxidants, anti-aging broccoli, tomatoes and tea
Screens natural against free radicals are vitamins A, E and C, are minerals (especially selenium) and substances contained in plants. Quercetin, for example, is an anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and, above all, a protector against the aging of arteries. It is found in red onions and yellow in broccoli and zucchini. Similarly, lycopene is a major antioxidant that protects all cells are. It is effective in prevention of all hormone-dependent cancers. It is found in tomatoes, watermelons, apricots ... finally Catechins, contained in tea, are also very effective.
To absorb a lot of antioxidants:
review each meal eat at least one fresh fruit, fresh raw vegetable and baked.
Vary the color: whether they are yellow, red, purple, orange, green ... Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants different.
Some antioxidants anti-aging resent cooking (for example, plants containing vitamin C), but others are released by heat. This is the case of lycopene, better absorbed when tomatoes are cooked.
Many plants contain vonoïdes. These substances, when combined with vitamins nt (mostly Mine C) have a direct protective action against free radicals.

* Free radicals accelerate the aging of the body. All our fabrics are suffering.
* To protect ourselves, we must eat quantity of fresh vegetables for their vitamins, their minerals and other protective substances.
antioxidants, anti-aging
Some foods contain natural antioxidants. These substances protect cells against the ravages of free radicals that accelerate aging. It's time to implement the many parades that offers nature, starting with the contents of your plate.
Your internal enemies
Our cells have a full life. Sometimes, their multiple activities result in the creation of strange particles they lack an electron, they are struggling to pull on their way to regain complete. These particles do not live a fraction of a second, which is enough to damage our cells. Care should be taken more than ever to protect yourself these free radicals can accelerate the aging of your endocrine glands and tissues fragile (bone, skin, hair ...).
antioxidants, anti-aging broccoli, tomatoes and tea
Screens natural against free radicals are vitamins A, E and C, are minerals (especially selenium) and substances contained in plants. Quercetin, for example, is an anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and, above all, a protector against the aging of arteries. It is found in red onions and yellow in broccoli and zucchini. Similarly, lycopene is a major antioxidant that protects all cells are. It is effective in prevention of all hormone-dependent cancers. It is found in tomatoes, watermelons, apricots ... finally Catechins, contained in tea, are also very effective.
To absorb a lot of antioxidants:
review each meal eat at least one fresh fruit, fresh raw vegetable and baked.

Some antioxidants anti-aging resent cooking (for example, plants containing vitamin C), but others are released by heat. This is the case of lycopene, better absorbed when tomatoes are cooked.
Many plants contain vonoïdes. These substances, when combined with vitamins nt (mostly Mine C) have a direct protective action against free radicals.