Saturday, October 30, 2010

London Ontario Cinemas Silver

ready before the party

ready before the party

In two words

* If you're used to "pay" for holiday meals with a nice hangover the next morning, learn how to prepare
* Plants, homeopathy, essential oils, clay ... will help the day before, the same day and the next day.

A party with friends prepared: the table or buffet, dress and ... the body. To avoid Hangover, temples twisted by pain, take some precautions.

Teas and granules
You will drink well, eat, move, smell different odors, possibly spend several hours in a smoky atmosphere ... To prevent nausea and migraine awakenings, prepare your body to live this moment certainly pleasant, but sometimes a bit heavy with consequences. Here Some precautions to take before leaving. • Side plant, a herbal analgesic plan for your return (if!): 20g
European meadowsweet (Spiraea ulmaria), 60 g of black currant (Ribes nigrum) and 30 g of ash (Fraxinus excelsior) infused in a liter of warm water. A cup, renew if necessary.
homeopathy side, take a few hours before your feast a dose of Nux Vomica 7 CH to help digestion.

During the party
forethought, you'll have in your pocket a small vial of 10 ml of essential oil Peppermint (Mentha piperita). If you feel up a grief, massage your temples and neck with one or two drops of essential oil: a feeling of freshness and guarantee release. During the meal, avoid mixes and stick to one drink, in the i-deal, the best red wine or white wine offered dry. Do not pick the sauce dishes.

Some naturopaths recommend to swallow an hour or two before the meal one tablespoon of olive oil flood.

This would file a greasy film of1 the walls of the stomach to facilitate the passage of food too heavy.

You can also include taking a milk clay for three or four days.


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