Healing Flu
The flu virus spreads easily from person to person by air, by means of microdroplets and particles excreted when infected people cough or sneeze . Unsurprisingly, the hands represent an important factor in the spread of influenza because they help to convey and spread the virus through direct contact with all surface types that make up our daily lives.
Wash hands thoroughly is a simple, inexpensive and very effective for reducing the risk of transmission of virus and in preventing the spread of infections in general.
cure flu
symptoms of seasonal flu:
- General symptoms: fever> 38 ° C or stiffness, fatigue,
- respiratory symptoms: cough or difficult breathing.
Beware babies if
- child cranky, feverish
- poor decision for a baby bottle under 6 months (less than half the bottles in 12 hours).
The sick person is contagious from the first symptoms and this for about 7 days.
measures to implement will depend on several players:
- the Ministries concerned, but especially that of Health have established: •
a vaccination campaign is ready delivered between October and December.
• the community through each individual on the rules of basic hygiene • Wash hands several times a day with running water and soap and always after sneezing, coughing, blowing your nose or after changing his mask. In facilities housing elderly people aqueous solutions should be preferred.
• Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing as a disposable handkerchief.
- the individual through a proactive management, a good view of coaching in the pathology and prevention from natural substances.
The natural treatment to cure Flu
Vitamins, minerals, trace elements, plant phytochemistry are tools for prevention and treatment of accompanying pathology.
Vitamin C to cure the flu
Numerous studies show that vitamin C improves the symptoms of influenza and inhibits the proliferation of virus-infected cells. Prevention 180 mg in the morning for an adult in winter and preventing close (in contact with patients) and accompanying pathology, 180 mg every 2 hours to 16 hours. B. Concept Vitality Vitamin C provides 180 mg per pill asset.
The dry extract of elderberry to cure flu
The elder seems to effectively limit the duration of flu symptoms and severity. There are elderberry syrups dde
green tea to cure flu
Several studies demonstrate again the richness of action of this health drink.
Drink green tea three times daily for three months decreases the risk of catching influenza. The tea would be able to help the body defend itself from the flu virus.
Vitamin D cure influenza
This vitamin can prevent flu, which explains its lack synthesis setting sun in autumn, we are more susceptible to influenza this period. The prescription by the doctor of a bulb of vitamin D is advisable in early October.
In practice cure influenza
- for an adult to take a supplement rich in natural active substances vitamin B. Concept Nutri Natural Defenses addresses this need by providing the elder, the alleged echinacea, vitamins and other active synergistic
- Vitamin B.
Concept Vitality Vitamin C: One morning in prevention,
- If stress or fatigue, add magnesium to 300 mg per day,
- For older people with vitamin B thinking probiotics Concept Nutri Intestinal flora and B.
Concept Nutri Omega 3. Search
power hypotoxic Mediterranean and preferred fatty fish and canola oil and nuts.

Eat foods that fight infection. Here are some ideas and recommendations for feeding during influenza
- kiwi, orange, lemon,: to consume in large quantities, because these foods are rich in vitamin C,
- carrots are rich in beta- carotenes, strengthen the defenses,
- black tea and green tea: These teas contain catechins, the effects are antibacterial
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