Friday, November 5, 2010

White Dot At Tip Of Nose

Do not drink any wine

* Wine causes pain head in some people, but it is known exactly why.
* The wines of poor quality are far more incriminating that good wines.

For sheer choice of gourmet, he should not drink any wine. Even more so if you are migraineurs. The bad wine causes headaches, especially rapid and intense that it is of poor quality.

Red wine or white? In France, it is conventional to blame the white wine to cause migraines, while in Great Britain is the red wine that is pointed at. Why the difference? The answer is not clear. What is known, however, is that alcoholic beverages contain vasoactive substances (which act on the dilation of blood vessels), such as histamine, tyramine, phenols.
Tannins and chemicals: a
thing is certain: the wines of good quality cause less headaches than others. This is partly due to the absence of certain chemicals added to wines at low prices. Light red wines, are less frequently complained that the heavy and heady wines. Migraineurs support generally less white wine than red wine.

In all cases, the consumption of wine should not exceed three drinks per day. Beyond this dose,
the beneficial effects of milk from the vine (ie protection against aging and cholesterol) are largely outweighed by the harm caused by alcohol. So, headache or not, to consume with moderation.


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