Sunday, January 2, 2011

Edgar Casey Bell's Palsy Treatment

# 3 (end)

In previous episode

We arrive at the door of the delivery rooms. A midwife arrived to take me by the arm. I look up to her.

- Oh my god thank you! It's you! And I

starts crying again, but this time of joy

It is about 6:00 p.m.

Rahel It keeps me by the arm. Rahel is the midwife who was able to calm all my fears, it my midwife that I can know that thou and laugh at my jokes. She who has explain that the pain is yes, but it looks like no other. Yes, I qualify for an epidural but it must feel if I need or not. Rahel is it that we give our preparation for childbirth. And I think now I know it's with her that I will deliver, I'm happy.

The moment we enter the delivery room, a contraction rises and paralyzes me there, standing, pressing my husband, crushing his shoulder in passing. Rachel, with her sweet voice, encourages me and reminds me breathing technique. The famous rattle caribou in rut.

Once the contraction passes, I look around me and see that we are in the best delivery room of the hospital. A large tub, a round bed with all its accessories, the fabric rope to swing, the CD player. I ask my dear husband to insert the cd Joy Denalane "Mamani" (to put you in the mood, listen to while reading the following) .

My midwife settle down on the bed for a first hit. Dilated to 5cm! This time, we can not ask me to go home. Relieved, I begin a new contraction, but calmly and methodically. The pain goes smoothly. I understand it better. I'm not afraid of her. I even feel it under control.

Rahel suggests I go in the bath, I accept without hesitation.
I enter slowly, I'm so good. It's good hot, I feel at once so light. I float in every sense of the term.
Contraction, breath, I twist, I'm on my knees in the tub, his arms crossed on the edge, and I buried my head in it.
My husband gently strokes my neck. My midwife, she reassured me again and make sure I'm doing as a Head. She is my hair, tie.
contraction ended, I breath and relaxes me.

7:00 p.m. It is about ...

hours pass and looks almost exactly. Aside from the pain intensifies, my husband is here, tender and attentive. Rahel am delighted with each contraction, as if she had never seen a woman so strong and calm at a time. I think ...

about it is 21.00 ...

I begin to not feel so comfortable in the water. I do not know what position also adopted more for me relieved. The groans of caribou in rut no longer look to their effects. I scream, loud, very loud, with each contraction.
I await the end of this contraction, I get up in the bathtub. My husband asked me what I want, I ordered him to keep me out of there, I can more.
Between the bath and bed contraction. I cling to the shoulders of my husband, I used hard, I cried ...
- WHY ME?? Why me?? Pourquoiiii?? Rahel
helps me settle down on the bed. First lie on your back and that is where I have a hell of nausea and quickly get up to go vomit. Kneeling in front of the toilet bowl, contraction. I cling.
My husband has just help me out.

- An attempt on the side? Rahel wonder

Lying on her side, I do not understand much, the pain is being m'anesthésier the brain. In this fog, I hear Rachel tell me about acupuncture. I nod of the head, without really knowing what she wanted.
And at this moment that I find myself with needles on the head, face and I do not know where yet.
I do not care a bit, I want to sleep.
Between each contraction, I doze.

about ... It is 22:30

Rahel leans toward me and whispers that she finished her service and another midwife care for me. I'm not sure I understand when I see the head of the second midwife to look at me and say hello. It is the one who had hosted the previous night. I start to panic.

It is about 11:00 p.m. ...

Midwife number two asks me to put on the back, dilated to 10 cm, it will be time to push. I see the doctor arrive that arises. I panic even more. I had already met during my pregnancy, I had found a little awkward. I so love to see happen Handsome Doctor.
I am much less relaxed and attentive to particular advantage of what is happening around me.
Contraction, I scream, louder. My husband came up behind me, my arms around his neck, his head resting on my shoulder.

It is about 11:20 p.m. ...

Midwife number two is a woman rather dry in his manner of speaking. Nothing to do with Rachel.

- Now you have to stop screaming Madam, must grow.

I want my legs back as she asks me and I push.
The amniotic sac has just surrender, I say fortunately, so I did not hear my mother advised me to wait until I lose the water before dashing to the hospital.
breathing, waiting ...
Contraction, I push!
We see her head, she asked my husband if he wants to come see him, he refuses, I understood ...
breathing, waiting ...
Contraction, I push!
I want to let go of my legs, I am weary, but the midwife I call to order.
I feel an indescribable warmth.
breathing, contraction, I pushed, hard, again, I loose my legs, my focus, so he must now, I'll get there, I push, I push ...
I feel, sometimes, it's there, I see, it's fast ...

Issue , he is there on my chest, I hold in my hands, it is here, finally, I look at it, I cry, I laugh, I find it so beautiful . That's what I keep telling him. My husband kisses me, has trouble speaking, look at this little piece lying on me.

is 11:35 p.m. and I do not know what planet I am. We are alone in the world, my son, my husband and me. I hear nothing. I do not see anything. I only see him. So small, so warm, so beautiful.

I love him so much already.


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