Feeding menopause

* Approaching menopause balance is synonymous with diversity.
* Avoid refined sugars, which disrupt hormonal functioning, and fat-cholesterol as the risk increases with age.
Neither too much nor too little ...
Menopause causes significant hormonal changes. And certain diseases such as osteoporosis and cholesterol, become more menacing after 50 years.
The key word in the balance food with menopause : diversity. We must eat everything in a reasonable manner. Now is the time to make good habits. Eat fresh food and good quality, choose fruits and vegetables, do not remove the grain, prefer fish to meat, discover the infinite wealth and taste of raw oils ... Beware of sugar
The only foods to limit drastically are refined sugars and fats hidden. The latter, which accumulate in meats, pastries, fatty meats, promote the formation of bad cholesterol. Sugar, it is harmful to all ages. But the early signs of Premeno-oause, you must be special-nent attention because it is involved in hormonal functioning: the white sugar and sweets disrupt the endocrine glands, exacerbate hot flashes, slow down the absorption of calcium , nibble some vitamins and minerals ... Moreover, they are factors of obesity.
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very careful snacking: not content to prohibit any rest to your digestive system, snacking overload your body of toxins. Not to mention that it is very difficult to control what you eat when you accumulate the snacks.
Consider eating nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds ...) for their essential fatty acids and vitamin B, as well as legumes (lentils, beans ...) for their sugars and amino acids.
Bet on spices and herbs: In addition to meeting the food, they have medicinal properties.
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