Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Masterbation In Public Tips

# 2 # 1 The letter

I finally take the time ... Time to remember the day the most magical, if not his conduct as Mistique was almost without incident.

I am of course talking about the birth of the Prince, our Prince but MY delivery.

I hope you're tied and you have your tissues out, you lend them to me at the end of this story.

After the episode of the false alarm , I watch every little pain that may herald his arrival. I feel terribly heavy but totally Zen. Thank you for being prepared which is the only thing that I was able to reassure me. We are
August 28, it is 6:00 p.m. ET I think I feel a contraction. Here we go for a ride. I took out my notebook, a pencil and note the time of each contraction to follow. Yes, I like to be precise. When I said 5 minutes is 5 minutes. My Swiss side, no doubt.
August 29, 2:15 am. This is my umpteenth contractions. They are spaced 5 minutes for quite two hours. My husband snores terribly sleeping peacefully beside me. I get up, get dressed, wake the gently and whispered:

-Chou, call the midwife

He gets up calmly, take my suitcase. My sister-in-wait for us already at the bottom of our building. This time, it is more contractions sissy. I laugh as much as for the false alarm a week earlier.

We come to emergencies. Monitoring in place, and again this flower panties grandma (I'd buy a whole lot). I look forward to the arrival of the doctor "step-child" while knowing full well that I should have put more becoming a panty. Yes, it's terrible when I'm about to give birth, I want to please the obstetrician ... we do what we can to soften the pain eh.

Thirty minutes later, no doctor, just the midwife and her gloves. A small hit to examine the cervix.

1cm, soft

Basically, I can be for a minimum of 9. The midwife asks if I want to stay.

Yes yes yes!

I do not leave here without my baby this time.
She suggests going to walk two hours to accelerate expansion. I'm ready to climb the Alps if it helps.

After 15 round trips in the empty corridors of the hospital (it's 6am), the midwife we installs in the delivery room.
mouaii was the bathtub but not super beautiful modern round bed with lots of accessories. I'm a little disappointed. Never mind, I moved directly into the bath. Except that the baths of this type are a real mystery to me, sir. The water just stopped up to my butt ... and nothing to do, we do not find the button to restart the water. Who knows, maybe that's normal. Very inconvenient, I'd like a relief knowing that the part above my butt with warm water. Admittedly, it takes a few liters more than normal to reach my height rash, but still.

After 10 minutes of questioning about the height that the water should have a midwife come to our rescue. At the same time, she invited me to a touchdown (for fun).

1cm, soft

And there is the drama: "It may be even longer ... maybe you should go home, you'll be more comfortable. Any more contractions?

That's when I notice that no, it's been a good half-hour I no contraction.

It is 8:30 in the morning, we are always August 29, my suitcase hand, waiting for the bus to go home.

soon after ... that suspense ...


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